Page 8 - Radiation Safety
P. 8


                                                                                              Л – mass attenuation coefficient
                                                                               Incident intensity, I  X – material thickness   γ, χ  - High Z @ High Density materials
                                                              Initial intensity  I o
                                                                                                                                  - eg : Concrete, Lead, Barium
                                                                                                                               Β   - Low Z
                                                                  Half Value Layer of thickness (HVL)                             - eg : 10 mm Perspex
                                                                     X  1/2  = ln 2              Activity   Energy
                                                                           Л                                                   n     - High Hydrogen content
                                           I d = I d  2           Radiation Intensity                                             - Water, Wax, Paraffin
                                           1 1
                                                2 2
                                                                     I = I e  -Лx                 Depends on        Types of
                                         Inverse Square Law            o                                                                Reduce quantity
                                                                    Shielding                                       radiation
                                            Distance                                                                                    of RN used
                                                                                             PRINCIPLES           Internal Exposure     PPE (Gloves, respirator,
                                             Time              External Exposure                                                        apron, etc.)
                                      D = Dose Rate  x Time
                                                                                             RADIATION                                  Hand and body monitoring

                                                                                                                                       Annual Limit Intake  (ALI)
                                           Justification                Optimization                          Dose Limit
                                           Necessity                       ALARA                                    i.    Follows BSS 2010  EXTERNAL
                                                          YES         (As Low As Reasonably              ii.   Not include:
                                                                         Achievable)                        - Background radiation     1. Occupational Exposure
                                          No exposure               - Dose given must be at the             - Medical  exposure           (Radiation Worker)
                                                                    lowest with most effective                                            - Limit : 20 mSv/y
                                                                            result                                                              0.4 mSv/week
                                      ii)   Supervised Area                                                                                     0.08 mSv/day
                                      Area which occupational exposure conditions              4.  Area                                         0.01 mSv/hour
                                      are kept under review even though specific                         3. Public      2. Student       (8 hrs/day; 5 days/week;
                                      protection / protective measures and safety   i)  Controlled Area     Limit : 1 mSv/y  16 years old  50 weeks/year; 2000 hrs/year)
                                      provision are normally needed.   -Area which SPECIFIC PROTECTION MEASURES and   Lens : 15 mSv/y  Limit : 6 mSv/y
                                                                       SAFETY PROVISIONS are required       Skin : 50 mSv/y  Lens : 50 mSv/y  Lens : 150 mSv/y
                                      iii)  Clean Area                - To control NORMAL EXPOSURE or preventing the       Skin : 150 mSv/y  Skin : 500 mSv/y
                                      Area where annual dose received by a worker is   spread of CONTAMINATION or preventing/limiting
                                      not likely to exceed the dose limit of public  the EXTENT POTENTIAL (3/10 from ADL)
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