Page 3 - Radiation Safety
P. 3


                                          Mass Number  =       A
                                          Proton + Neutron     Z X
                                         Atomic  Number =                                              e
                                             Proton                                                               Electron Shell /
                                      EXAMPLES:                                                 e                 Orbital electrons    → Negative charge
                                        2  H        12   C      16  O               ATOM                    e     Nucleus
                                        1           6           8
                                                                                                                  Consist of:
                                      Hydrogen    Carbon      Oxygen                              e               1.      Neutron  → Neutral  → No charge
                                       1n, 1p      6n, 6p     8n, 8p                                              2.    Proton     → Positive Charge

                                                                                                                     Photon /              Man  made
                                                           an ATOM
                                                                                                  Particulate   Electromagnetic Wave
                                                                e             Electron          Electron              X-ray
                                                         e                    shell                                                     Radiations that are emitted
                                                                                                                                        from nucleus of an atom
                                        RADIATION                    e        Nucleus           Neutron                                 because of instability of
                                        is coming from                                          Alpha               Gamma Ray           neutron  : proton ratio.
                                                           e                                      B +ve (Positron)                      This unstable nuclide is also
                                                                                                  B –ve (Negatron)                      known as Radionuclide while
                                                                                                                                        the decay activity is referred
                                                                                                                                        as Radioactivity.

                                      Unstable atoms that emit radiation
                                      Neutron, Alpha α,  Beta β, Gamma γ from
                                      their nucleus (Radioactivity Process).

                                      Time taken for all radioactive atoms to
                                      decay depends on its initial amount of
                                      atoms and Decay constant
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