Page 10 - Radiation Safety
P. 10


                                      c) Exactness/Linearity
                                                                   f) Energy Dependence                                                   Maintenance
                                      - Deviation of measured dose   Response proportional to the
                                       to the true value by a check   energy & activity                                                - Smooth surface
                                       source                                                                                                - Material
                                                                                                                                 - Easy to decontamination
                                      b) Repeatability             e) Instrument ResponseTime  h) Effect of Mixed Radiation
                                       - Small standard deviation to   - Determine equipment   - Instrument responses to only                 Battery
                                                                                               one type of radiation at a time
                                       the average value
                                                                                                                                  - Light, low cost, long life
                                      a) Radiation Quantity        d) Measurement Range        g) Isotropy & Geotropism
                                       - Dose given must be        Capability to detect radiation   - Relative response at every               Design
                                       equivalent to organ /
                                       effective dose.             within expected range       angles  & orientations           - Small, light, rugged, convenient
                                            Radiological                             Characteristic                             Condition of Use
                                                                                                                               Application of Calibration
                                                                                                                                       Factor (CF)
                                         Choice/Selection                           SURVEY METER
                                                                                                                                   D = B  x  CF  x  J
                                                                                                                               D    =  Actual/true Reading
                                      a) Sealed Source                                                                         B    =  Meter Reading
                                                                                                                               CF   =  Calibration Factor
                                       - Based on Energy                               Calibration                             J     =  Correction Factor for scale
                                         Low Energy : Ionization
                                         Chamber High Energy:
                                         Geiger Muller (GM)
                                                                    Requirement of Calibration                Requirement of Recalibration
                                      b) Unsealed Source            i.  To comply with legal requirement                       i.  To comply with license requirement
                                         Environmental Sample :              ii.  Ensure working properly and function reliably  ii.  To confirm the performance after maintenance/
                                         Thin Window GM                                                         repair
                                                                    iii.  Estimate error, to improve overall accuracy
                                         Surface Contamination :                                              iii.  To ensure its consistency and reliability
                                         Thin window GM,            iv.  Equipment traceability
                                         Proportional or  Scintillation  v.  In case of emergency, the equipment can be   iv.  To confirm if a survey meter gives suspicious
                                                                       loaned      to other company
                                                                                                              v.  To extend the application if a meter used beyond
                                                                                                                the scope of calibration.
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