Page 411 - Emergency Response Book
P. 411

Question:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 21

                                       Any emergency involving radioactive must be

                                       planned to ensure that no single responder will

                                       received a radiation dose in excess of the

                                       recommendation limits.

                                       What would be the maximum allowable “stay” for a

                                       responder to response at a distance 2 meter from

                                       unshielded sources??

                                       • 30 Ci of Co-60

                                       • 30 Ci Of Ir-192

                                       Assume that the radiation intensity at 1 meter from

                                       1Ci of Co-60 and 1Ci of Ir-192 to be 1.25R/hr and

                                       0.5R/hr respectively?

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