Page 19 - Radiation Safety
P. 19


                                             5 main documents:                                 HOW TO CATEGORIZE THE SOURCES:
                                             1.  Code of Conduct (COC 2004)
                                             2.  Categorization of radioactive sources (TECDOC 1344)  Rule 1  : Source Application
                                             3.  Categorization of radioactive sources (RS-G-1.9)
                                             4.  Security of radioactive source (TECDOC 1355)  Rule 2        :  Based on  A/D calculation
                                             5.  Import & Export Guidelines
                                                                                               i. Calculate A/D ratio:
                                             6 main objectives:                                      A            whereas;   A – Activity (convert to TBq)       T = 10 12
                                                                                                     D                      D – Specific Activity (always in TBq)
                                             To protect
                                             1.  Unauthorized access                           ii. Categorize the source into SOURCE CATEGORY
                                             2.  Unauthorized removal
                                             3.  Damage                                          Category  Activity Ratio (A/D)   Applications
                                             4.  Loss                                               1        A/D ≥ 1000                  Irradiator / Radiotherapy / Teletherapy
                                             5.  Stolen
                                             6.  Theft                                              2     1000 >  A/D ≥ 10             Industrial Radiography / High Dose Brachytherapy
                                                                                                    3        10 >  A/D ≥ 1               Nuclear Gauging & Brachytherapy
                                             Loss of control can be:                                         1 > A/D 0.01               Nuclear Gauging
                                                                                                    5        0.01 > A/D                  Others (XRF, PET)
                                             1.  In advertent  - misplaced, forgotten, dispersed, insecurely   & A > exempt
                                                            stored, unintended or collateral theft.
                                             2.     Intentional    - Abandoned, dumped & directly stolen.  iii.  Group the  source category into SECURITY GROUP to determines the security measures
                                             Criminal purposes can be:                           Types of security measures  : 1. Technical Measures (T)
                                                                                                                        2. Administrative Measures (A)
                                             1.  Malevolent  - Intent to harm others, terrorist  threats
                                             2.  Financial  - Illegal sale for profit, avoidance of costs or
                                                            other burdens of ownership.
                                                                                                  A               B            C            D

                                                                                                    1                           2 & 3                            4                                    5

                                                                                                 Deter     (T)   Deter      (T)                     Deter       (T)                    Detect (A)
                                                                                                 Detect   (A)    Detect    (A)                     Detect    (A)
                                                                                                 Delay     (T)                      Delay       (T)
                                                                                                 Response  (A)
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