Page 18 - Radiation Safety
P. 18


                                                    Principle of Radioactive Waste Management                         Procedure of Waste Management

                                       To :                                                                                    COLLECTION
                                       1.  Protect human health
                                       2.  Protect environment
                                       3.  Protect spreading beyond national borders                                          SEGREGATION
                                       4.  Protect future generation                                              Depends on the physical forms & source category
                                       5.  Eliminate burdens on future generations
                                       6.  Management o national legal framework
                                       7.  Safety of facility                                                                  TREATMENT
                                                         Category of Radioactive Waste                                      Principle of Treatment

                                                                                                          DELAY & DECAY  CONCENTRATE & CONTAIN   DILUTE & DISPERSE
                                        EXEMPT WASTE                   LOW AND INTERMEDIATE LEVEL
                                        Activity levels at or below clearance   WASTE – SHORT LIVED (LILW-SL)  - For short-lived   - Reduction in volume  - For liquid &
                                        levels                         Activity levels above clearance level   radionuclide  - Applicable to Solid & Liquid  gaseous
                                                                                                                         - Retained & confined
                                                                       waste and thermal power less than
                                        Diposal :                      2kW/m Restricted long lived
                                        No radiological restriction. Can be   radionuclide concentration
                                        disposed ordinarily                                                               CONDITIONING OF WASTE
                                                                       Diposal :                                Objective: Leach resistant, stabilization (mechanically,
                                                                       Near surface                             thermally, chemically)
                                        LOW AND INTERMEDIATE LEVEL     HIGH LEVEL WASTE                                     STORAGE OF WASTE
                                        WASTE – LONG LIVED (LILW-LL)   Waste which contains large         The storage facility must be properly construct depend on nature of waste
                                        Activity levels above clearance level   concentrations of both short and long-  and category:
                                        waste and thermal power less than   lived radionuclide, and is sufficiently   1.  Placement of radiation & caution signs
                                        2kW/m . Long lived radionuclide   radioactive to rquire both shielding and   2.  Restricted area
                                        concentrations exceeding limitations   cooling. Generates more than 2kW/m 3   3.  Cooling
                                        for short lived waste.         heat.                              4.  Shielding
                                                                                                          5.  Isolated area
                                        Diposal :                      Diposal :                          6.  Low risk of fire & flood
                                        Waste requires shielding, but needs   Deep geological disposal.
                                        little or no provision for heat
                                        dissipation. Geological disposal facility                                                DISPOSAL
                                                                                                          Emplacement of waste material in repository without intention of retrieving it in
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