Page 403 - Emergency Response Book
P. 403

Example Calculation 2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              13

                                 A source is producing an intensity of 456 R/h at one foot from the source. What would be the

                                 distance in feet to the 100, 5, and 2 mR/h boundaries.

                                 Convert R/hour to mR/hour

                                                              456R/h x 1000 = 456,000 mR/h

                                 Rework the equation to solve for D                                                                                     2

                                 Plug in the known values and solve

                                                              D = 67.5 feet

                                 Using this equation the 100mR/h boundary would be at 68 feet, the 5mR/h boundary would be

                                 at 301.99 feet, and the 2mR/h boundary would be at 477.5 feet.

                                 Sources are seldom operated for an entire hour, and collimators are often used which reduce

                                 these distances considerably.

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