Page 236 - Radiation Safety
P. 236

2. Exposure (X)

                                  Measure ionization caused by gamma and x-ray in the air,

                                  not the degree of damage to body tissue.

                                  Old unit: Roentgen;

                                  S.I Unit : Coulombs per kg (C/kg)

                                    1 Roentgen is equivalent to the formation of ions with

                                         charge 2.58 x 10                      -4   coulombs per kg. It is equivalent to

                                         absorption of energy in the air of about 0.00869 J/kg air

                                  1 R = 1 ion of charge 2.58 x 10                                   -4    C/kg

                                           = 1.61 x 10             12   ion pairs / kg

                                           = 0.00869 J / kg air

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