Page 141 - Radiation Safety
P. 141

Acute (Short Term) Somatic Effect

                                • 4-5 Sv : 1st day - patient vomits & feel dizzy followed by other signs of
                                    radiation injury. 50% of patient died within a period of a month. Death

                                    caused by other infection (septicemia)due to lowering of WBC, reduce
                                    immune system.

                                • 5.4 - 5.7 Sv: Vomiting & dizziness in 100% patient within 4 hours of

                                    accidents/exposures followed by other sign of radiation injury. 100% death
                                    may occurs. Survivor can only be confirmed after 6 months.

                                • 10 Sv: Vomiting and dizziness in all involved and maybe none will survive.

                                    This level of radiation can destroy nervous system completely, basic
                                    functions of the body to cease functioning, e.g. brain no longer able to carry

                                    out task, breathing no longer controlled etc
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