Page 367 - Emergency Response Book
P. 367

Leak Of A Radiation Source                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         38

                                    ❑ Emergency response action:

                                                The RPO/RPS should:

                                                   ▪ Inform Emergency Coordinator and request for immediate

                                                            leakage test to the source.

                                                   ▪ If source is leaking, notify immediately the AELB.

                                                   ▪ Obtain further guidance from AELB of any contamination, the

                                                            collection and disposal of contaminated items and assessment of

                                                            internal doses;

                                                   ▪ Declare that emergency situation is over and the situation is back

                                                            to normal.

                                                   ▪ Prepare detailed report to be submitted to AELB.

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