Page 333 - Emergency Response Book
P. 333

The Radiological Accident in Istanbul (1998)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         4

                                     2 packages sold as scrap metal by a new

                                     owner of a premise,                                                                                       not realize what’s

                                     inside. buyer broke open the shielded

                                     containers and exposed to 60Co.

                                     10 person in the proximity fell ill and 6 of

                                     them began to vomit.

                                     ❖ Exposure ~ 2.1 Gy

                                     ❖ Amputated, the 2nd finger a year later.

                                     ❖ Ulcerated 3rd finger 14 months later

                                     ❖ Some ulcerative-necrotic changes have


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