Page 98 - Radiation Safety
P. 98

Endoplasmic Reticulum

                               • The ER is the site of the translation and folding of and

                                   transport of proteins that are to become part of the cell

                                   membrane as well as proteins that are to be secreted

                                   from the cell (e.g., digestive enzymes).

                               • Rough ER manufactures and transports proteins destined

                                   for membranes and secretion,

                               • The smooth ER has functions in several metabolic

                                   processes such as synthesis of various lipids (e.g., for

                                   building membranes) and steroids (e.g., hormones), and

                                   also plays an important role in carbohydrate metabolism,

                                   detoxification of the cell, and calcium storage.
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