Page 334 - Radiation Safety
P. 334


       ✓Objective:                                                      ✓Control Of External                                    ✓Protection Against

             a)      To protect man and                                                                                             Internal Radiation
                     environment from                                       Exposure                                                Hazards
                     unwanted radiation                                        a) Shielding

             b)      To prevent non-                                                                                                    a)      Personal Protective
                     stochastic effects and                                    b) Time                                                          Equipment (PPE)

                     reduce the risk of                                        c) Distance                                              b)      Proper Equipment
                     stochastic effect                                                                                                          and Facilities

       ✓System Of Dose                                                  ✓Routes Of Entry for                                            c)      Proper Procedures
                                                                                                                                                and Surveillance
          Limitation:                                                       Internal Hazards

             a)      Justification of the                                                                                        ✓ Classification Of
                     practice                                                  a) Ingestion                                             Working Area

             b) Optimization / ALARA                                           b) Inhalation                                            a)      Clean Area

             c)      Dose Limitation                                                                                                    b)      Supervised Area
                     (Annual)                                                  c) Absorption                                            c)      Controlled Area

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