Page 360 - Emergency Response Book
P. 360

Accessible High Dose Rate                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          31

                                    ❑ Emergency response action:

                                                   The RPO/RPS should:

                                                   ▪ Plan a means of retrieving the device;

                                                   ▪ Notify immediately AELB;

                                                   ▪ If difficulty                                                               retrieving                                           the device,                                                         report details to

                                                             Emergency Coordinator. Inform and, if necessary, obtain

                                                             assistance from outside support groups;

                                                   ▪ If                          involved                                           overexposure                                                              of                    personnel,                                                   implement

                                                             procedures as described in Overexposure.

                                                   ▪ Carry out leakage test on the source if the device is to be

                                                             used again.

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