Page 212 - Emergency Response Book
P. 212

Content of Accident Report                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         37

                                    • Name, telephone number of reporting person

                                    • Position of reporting person ; public, supervisor, security, etc.

                                    • What happened ? Try to get short description of the accident &

                                               facility address and location

                                    • When it happened ?

                                    • Information on injuries, radiological or non-radiological ?

                                    • How you know this could be radiological accident ?

                                    • What radioactive material is involved ? Or type of x-ray machine

                                    • What is the activity (if known)? or kVp, mA

                                    • What are chemical or physical characteristic of the source (if known)

                                    • Results of any radiation or contamination measurements carried out

                                    • What assistance is required ?

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