Page 143 - Emergency Response Book
P. 143

BSS Recommendations                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  4

                                    • BSS establishes that employers, registrants and licensees shall

                                               ensure, for all workers, that

                                                   • ... appropriate protective devices and monitoring equipment be

                                                             provided and arrangements made for its proper use

                                                   • ... suitable and adequate human resources and appropriated

                                                             training in protection and safety be provided, as well as periodic

                                                             retraining and updating as required in order to ensure the

                                                             necessary level of competence ...

                                                   • ...                          use                     properly                                     the                     monitoring                                               devices                                  and                      protective

                                                             equipment and clothing provided

                                                   • ... accept such information, instruction and training concerning

                                                             protection and safety as will enable them to conduct their work

                                                             in accordance with the requirements of the Standards ...

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