NORM/TENORM (Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials) are naturally present but can become concentrated due to human activities such as mining, oil and gas production, and industrial processes. MMTC Asia provides comprehensive NORM/TENORM monitoring services to ensure the safety of workers and the environment by implementing effective NORM/TENORM management programs, MMTC Asia assists clients in identifying and mitigating potential radiation risks, ensuring a safe and compliant workplace for all. We offer a comprehensive suite of monitoring and surveillance services, covering a wide range of parameters:

  • Background Radiation Level Monitoring: Establishing a baseline and tracking variations in background radiation.
  • External Radiation Level Monitoring: Measuring and analyzing external radiation fields to identify potential hazards.
  • Surface Contamination Monitoring: Detecting and quantifying radioactive contamination on surfaces.
  • Confined Space Radiation Monitoring: Ensuring safe radiation levels within confined spaces.
  • Radon and Thoron Progeny Monitoring: Measuring levels of these naturally occurring radioactive gases and their decay products.
  • Airborne Contamination Monitoring: Analyzing air samples to detect and quantify radioactive particles.
  • Radioactivity Monitoring in Materials: Measuring radioactivity in various materials such as scale, oil, water, and sludge.
  • Supporting Services:

    Beyond monitoring, we also provide:

    • Decontamination Services: Remediation of radioactively contaminated areas and equipment.
    • Leak Test Services: Verifying the integrity of sealed radioactive sources.
    • Laboratory Testing: Comprehensive analytical services for radioactive materials.
    • Training (Awareness & Refresher): Equipping your team with the knowledge and skills for safe radiation practices.
    • Consultation Services: Expert guidance on radiation safety and regulatory compliance.
Measuring radiation levels around equipment, in work areas, and on personnel to identify potential exposure.
Collecting and analyzing samples of produced water, scale, sludge, and other materials to determine the presence and concentration of radioactive isotopes.
Conducting thorough wipe tests to check for contamination on surfaces.
Utilizing personal dosimeters to monitor individual worker exposure to radiation.

Potential Risks of NORM and TENORM


Breathing in radioactive gases like radon or dust containing radioactive particles.


Being exposed to gamma radiation emitted by radioactive materials

External Exposure:

Being exposed to gamma radiation emitted by radioactive materials

The health risks associated with radiation exposure include an increased risk of cancer, particularly lung cancer from radon exposure. The specific risk depends on the level and duration of exposure.